Pause (8:30 am)
Church-wide prayer time in the Choir Room
Fellowship at The Bridge (9:00 am)
Time to Fellowship over coffee before heading to Bible Study.
Bible Classes (9:30 am)
We have Sunday School classes for all ages. Our classes are loosely grouped by age, or stage of life. We have many classes to choose from. If you need help finding a class for yourself or your children, one of our greeters will be able to assist you.
Services (10:45 am)
You’ll find a mix of old music and new music sung with enthusiasm. Our song selection is meant to encourage everyone and to praise and honor God. We encourage you to sing along with us.
We believe in teaching God’s message contained within the Bible. The aim of our teaching is to tell everyone the good news about Jesus and to edify those who are already disciples of Jesus. We hope you’ll pick up a Bible and follow along with the lesson.
At the end of our services there will be a time when people can respond to what they have heard, felt, or experienced. Some may wish to accept the good news and others may request the prayers of the congregation.
We have an excellent program which younger children may participate in during the worship service. Of course, you are welcome to keep your children in the auditorium with you. If you choose to allow them to attend the children’s program someone will assist you to “check-in” your children. Each child is registered in our system to ensure their safety while they are with us.
How should I dress?
Some arrive in suits and others in jeans. We have no formal dress code; we just want to encourage everyone to honor God and dress respectfully and modestly.
Am I expected to give money?
As a visitor you are our guest and are not expected to give. Of course, we will accept any monetary donation you wish to give, but this is a decision between you and God.
Where should I park?
We have plenty of parking on every side of the church building. There will be no problems finding a place to park. Click here to see an aerial view of our facility where the main entrances are marked.