Being Prepared to Witness (with Power) (Acts 1:1-14; 8:26-40)
Series: The Mission of Life
Title: Being Prepared to Witness (with Power)
Acts 1:1-14; 8:26-40
- A prepared witness understands the message of God. (1:1-3)
- A prepared witness focuses on the mission of God. (1:4-8)
- A prepared witness relies on the power of God by:
- Continually surrendering to the Holy Spirit. (1:8; 4:7-8, 19-20; 8:26-27)
- Continually immersing themselves in prayer. (1:9-14; 4:31)
- Continually being obedient to God. (5:32)
- A prepared witness embraces divine appointments from God. (8:26-40)